Monday, February 28, 2011

IH Homework ( continued )

Timeline of the start of British Singapore:
28th January 1819- The British landed on Singapore
29th January 1819- Raffles & Farquhar went to see the Temenggong Abdul Rahman
6th February 1819- The British publicly recognised Tengku Hussein as the rightful Sultan and the Temenggong singned a treaty with the British to build a settlement on Singapore in exchange for the Sultan to have a paid allowance of $5,000 a year while the Temenggong a paid allowance of $3,000 a year.
1819-1824- The Dutch was angry with the British for setting up Singapore as a settlement in Singapore and fears of a war grew
1824- The Anglo-Dutch Treaty was signed
2 August 1824- Singapore's second resident John Crawford signed a treaty for the British to gain complete control of the island

IH Homework

Hi everyone,
Here is an IH homework which I am doing! The topic for this is: The timeline of Singapore during the pre-1819 to 1824 when the British set up a settlement here
The timeline:
13th century- At that time, Singapore was formally known as Temasek, and at that point of time Sung Nila Utama spotted the island & named it Singapura
14-15th century-At that time, Chinese traders came to Singapura & there was also some Chinese living on the island at that point of time
the end of the 14th century-a Malay chief Parameswara from Palembang in Sumatra murdered the local ruler & made himself the new ruler of Singapura
1511-Melaka was captured by the Portuguese and they burnt down a Malay outpost at the mouth of present-day Singapore River
Ever since then, Singapore became a much quieter place and reduced its significance of trae in the world